About Us

A Bold Move
Welcome to the Wawets way of life. It is natural for us to become different persons throughout our life, but it is collectively those moments of change that define who we eventually settle on being.In July 2019 my family sold everything we had and moved from Co. kerry to Co. Limerick where we bought a redundant dairy farm. It was a dream that we once thought impossible but had now become a reality.
As a family we have always been driven and straight away threw ourselves into developing the farm. We built sheds, put in a new dairy, built up a herd of cows and reseeded all the land. On the 3rd of April 2020 we milked our cows for the first time.

A Moment Of Inspiration
By May of that year I had become increasingly more frustrated with the lack of good fitting agri wear on the market. One day after falling over an oversized Milking gown that I was wearing i decided to bring it into the utility room. I deconstructed it and reassembled it back toghter again with the outcome being what I thought was a much better improved version of a milking gown. Over the next few months I began to sketch designs and research materials and agri wear producing prototype after prototype.
In June of 2021 I was happy with how my new milking gown worked and felt on me. I become more confident in doing my work on the farm. Here we are today with a beautifully constructed garment with the New Farmers of today being first and foremost the inspiration. You see the farming community is very driven. We love to see progress and help each other to succeed. If we see a problem we tackle it head on and make changes for a lasting future, just like the WaWets brand. We will continue to introduce new agri wear pieces to the collection, alway with the aim to inspire, progress and succeed in our everyday life. Our family dog Missy has been the inspiration behind the WAWETS logo. Missy is a sweet natured Newfoundland dog and just like the WAWETS brand she is strong and her natural instincts are to protect. She has a double waterproof coat which protects and makes her resilient from our wet climate here in Ireland. Just like WAWETS she is built to protect.